"The Best Place to buy Good Belgians, is where Good Belgians are Bred!" 

McGrew's Greentop Farms

Mr. Bill McGrew & Family 

23595 E 1800 St. 

Prairie City, IL 61470

Phone: 309.255.6188 (Bill) 

Phone: 309.255.1213 (Wyatt) 

Email: greentop@greentopfarms.org

McGrew's Greentop Farms

Mr. Kenneth McGrew & Family

23200 E 1700th St. 

Good Hope, IL 61438

Phone: 309.341.6593

Email: greentop@bushnell.net

To Contact Bill Regarding horses

Have an inquiry; but don't know who to contact?....

Complete the Form below & Someone will be in touch! Be sure to indicate whether we need to forward your inquiry to either Bill or Ken! 

To Contact Ken Regarding horses

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